Sunday, June 11, 2006

West coast custom.

Ok, I live in California...but this quick post doesn't have anything to do with your favorite "ride-pimpin" reality show. It does however have to do with customizing the Fine Molds Falcon kit. So, I mentioned earlier that I was thinking of tackling the escape pods and their inaccurate plating lines? Well I finished one of them today (the photo is the same pod just turned 180 degrees).
I gathered a bunch of reference from the 32 inch model and copied the line work onto the parts with a pen. Next, I used a micro file to scribe the lines into the plastic. Then, I used bondo spot putty to fill where old lines were incorrect. I glued really thin bits of styrene cut into square shapes onto the new surface, matching the reference as best as I could. To do this modification, I had to pull the exterior ring of the pod off and glue it back on again. I think it makes a big improvement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Either you're a genius or just an obsessed sicko! Keep it comin' and may the force be with you.

3:46 PM  

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